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President Trump Issues Conscience Rule Protecting Religious Values

May 2, 2019

Washington D.C. - Today at the National Day of Prayer Event, President Trump announced a new rule defending the conscience rights of American citizens. Conscience protection and freedom of religion are God-given and Constitutional rights, codified in statutes that are often not adequately enforced. The rule ensures that The Department of Health and Human Services implements the full set of tools appropriate for enforcing conscience protections passed by Congress. These federal laws protect providers, individuals, and other health care entities from having to provide, participate in, pay for, provide coverage for, or refer for, services such as abortion, sterilization, or assisted suicide.

Congressman Lamborn, Co-Chairman of the Values Action Team Caucus, issued the following statement:

"I applaud the President, on National Prayer Day, for taking this much-needed step to fight for the conscience rights of all individuals. Our doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals should never be forced into performing actions that violate their conscience. Americans of faith are moved with compassion to enter the medical field, often serving the most vulnerable populations. I am proud that doctors and nurses of faith who seek to save lives, will never again be forced to end them."